
Our tokenomics are crafted with precision to sustain our protocol for decades. We've locked our Team Tokens and Liquidity Pool for 20 years to minimize risks for investors.

Dive into our sustainability model to gain further clarity!


$KRON Buy/Sell Tax Distribution [5% TAX]

✧ 2% - Token Holders

✧ 1.75% - Marketing

✧ 1.25% - Liquidity

As the latter phase of our approaches, the abovementioned tax will be reduced.

Seed Sale

✧ Whitelist required

✧ Raise Cap: $250,000 USDC

✧ Tokens for sale: 1,200,000

✧ Price/token: $0.2083

✧ Seed sale FDV: $1,666,667

✧ Vesting: 35% unlocked at LGE, with 65% linearly vesting 2 months starting 3 days after LGE

✧ Launch price (Soft cap): $0.3333

✧ Discount to launch: 37.5%

✧ Wallet seed cap: $5,000 USDC

✧ Wallet seed minimum: $500 USDC

The seed sale is set to run for 10 days or until we hit our Raise Cap. As each Partner (DAO & Mythic Partner) accumulates pledges, we'll add them to the whitelists. Expect the Seed Sale to occur at most 2 months before the product launch. Participants in the Seed Sale will benefit from a 37.5% discount off the launch price, assuming we only meet the LGE soft cap. However, if pledges exceed the LGE soft cap, the discount could be even more significant.

Liquidity Generation Event (LGE)

✧ Soft Cap: $250,000 USDC

✧ Tokens for sale: 1,000,000

✧ Price/token (Soft cap): $0.25

✧ LGE sale FDV (Soft cap): $2,000,000

✧ Vesting: 25% unlocked at LGE, with 75% linearly vesting over 2 months starting 5 days after LGE

✧ Launch price (Soft cap): $0.3333

✧ Launch FDV (Soft cap): $2,666,667

✧ Discount to launch: 25%

✧ Wallet LGE cap: 500k USDC

✧ Wallet LGE minimum: $125 USDC

Liquidity Generation Event (LGE) will last 8 days. Users who deposit USDC into the LGE contract will receive a proportional share of the LGE allocation (1,000,000 $KRON). Claimable $KRON will be based on the share of the total deposits at the end of the LGE.

The soft cap will be $250,000. The price discovery phase starts once the raised amount exceeds the Soft Cap. During this period, the price of each $KRON will increase with each purchase made. At the soft cap ($250,000), LGE participants will receive 33% more tokens than they paid for.

Percent unlock and vesting terms are the same for both Seed and LGE participants. 25% will be unlocked and immediately claimable after LGE and 75% will have a linear vest over 2 months, starting 3 days after LGE.

Initial Liquidity

Post-LGE, depositing users can claim 15% of the total $KRON supply (1,200,000 $KRON).

Half of the LGE's USDC deposits will be matched with 750,000 $KRON (9.4% of total supply) to form a KRON/ETH liquidity pair on Uniswap v2, locked for 20 years.

The remaining 50% of LGE funds will be allocated for strategic buybacks and token burns.

Treasury (Liquid)

Liquid treasury tokens will be used for Emissions as rewards alongside the ETH revenue share. Additionally, tokens are also reserved for Partnerships.

Treasury (Vested)

The vast majority of the treasury funds will be locked under a 4-year linear vesting period. Approximately 68,500 $KRON will be unlocked monthly to be used for emissions and operations. Unspent surplus tokens beyond operations/emissions will be relocked.


To show the commitment of the team to the project, team tokens are locked for 20 years. Of the team vested tokens, 60% are locked for 20 years, followed by a 5-year linear vest and are not qualified for revenue share. The remaining 40% are locked for 20 years, followed by a 2-year linear vest, and qualified for revenue share.


We value our early users and supporters and have rewards fit for the Gods planned for you. Stay tuned for more details!

Last updated