🌱$KRON Seed Sale


✧ Whitelist required

✧ Start of sale: TBA

✧ End of sale: TBA

✧ Duration: 10 days

✧ Raise Cap: $250,000 USDC

✧ Tokens for sale: 1,200,000

✧ Price/token: $0.2083

✧ Seed Sale NFTs: Supply capped to the number of wallets purchasing $KRON.

✧ Seed sale FDV: $1,666,666

✧ Vesting: 35% unlocked at LGE, with 65% linearly vesting for 2 months starting 3 days after LGE

✧ Launch price (Soft cap): $0.3333

✧ Discount to launch: 37.5%

✧ Wallet seed sale cap: $5,000 USDC

✧ Wallet seed sale minimum: $1,000 USDC

Our seed sale is set to run for 10 days or until we reach our Raise Cap. As pledges are gathered in the form of Mythic Partners through Google Forms where a desired allocation and wallet address are provided, which will promptly add these pledgers to our whitelist within our Seed Sale contract. This ensures their eligibility to participate in the $KRON Seed Sale.

The Seed Sale is scheduled to conclude two months prior to our product launch. Participants will have the opportunity to purchase at a 37.5% discount from the launch price, assuming that we reach only the LGE soft cap. Should our contributions surpass the LGE soft cap, participants stand to gain an even more significant discount.

Last updated